Share your music with friends
no matter what music service they use

Connect with friends and family through the music you love, even if they use a different streaming service

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How does Sharing work?

  • Upload your music to TuneMyMusic by copying the playlist link or connecting your music account.
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  • A personalized playlist page is generated for you, which you can share with your friends. You can customize the cover image and title of the playlist.
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  • Once shared, your friends can open the original playlist or import it to their music library.
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  • Music services Logo

    Easily share playlists from your library with friends using different music platforms

    It won’t matter anymore if your friends or close ones don’t use the same music provider as you, using Tune My Music will allow you to share your music quickly and seamlessly.
    Music services Logo

    Create a custom playlist page to share your playlist with a group of friends who use diverse music services

    Create a custom playlist page that contains links to all of the different platforms where your playlist is available, such as Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, YouTube, and more. Your friends can then access your playlist from any of these platforms, depending on their personal preferences. If they use a different music service, they can easily import the playlist to their private library

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